New Website Advances Visions of a More Equitable & Fair Society


CASBS is proud to announce the launch of the multimedia website Fairer Tomorrow: Solutions to the Issues Highlighted by COVID, a product of the Center’s “Creating a New Moral Political Economy” program. It features a constellation of powerful ideas, recommendations, and solutions — that site visitors can see and hear — for rethinking our political economic system in an immersive, contemplative space.

As we envision and, eventually, forge our lives together after COVID, we do ourselves a lasting disservice by returning to the pre-pandemic status quo. Fairer Tomorrow advances our thinking and guides us toward a more prosperous, equitable, and human-centered society by blending thought leadership with design, enveloping visitors in the art and (social) science of the possible.

Read the full announcement >

Go to Fairer Tomorrow >



CASBS at Stanford Univ.
CASBS at Stanford Univ.

Written by CASBS at Stanford Univ.

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University

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